You may be an undiagnosed pracademic. We certainly hope so; it’s vital for your survival. A pracademic is someone who integrates academic research and practical experience into their job. The case for your leadership survival is simple: the world is changing too fast for your knowledge to stay static. You must keep learning and integrating […] Mushalko Mushalko2024-10-23 10:00:132024-10-22 23:04:12Pracademics: How the Most Effective Leaders Make Theory a Reality
Do you want to know a secret? Amazon’s success is all because of you. One of the online giant’s fundamental mindsets is customer-back thinking. From searching their website to the delivery van at your door, every initiative starts by looking at what helps the customer (you), then working backward to figure out how to make […]
With election season running hot, issues such as migration (or illegal immigration) are prominent in campaign speeches for candidates of all stripes vying for all manner of office, from dogcatcher to president. The harsh reality for them all: no single nation, much less a single leader, can solve these issues. They surround the world, so […] Mushalko Mushalko2024-10-09 10:00:142024-10-09 10:00:14What New Leaders Need to Solve Global Issues, According to Africa’s EU Ambassador
You may not believe in ghosts, but your ancestors definitely haunt you. No, you don’t need to call the Ghostbusters; Deborah Liu, the president and CEO of Ancestry, told us in our podcast interview it’s their influence that continues to shape you through the generations. Their decisions continue to make an indelible difference today. It […] Mushalko Mushalko2024-10-02 10:20:242024-10-01 23:24:06Their Past Is Your Present: Here’s How Ancestry’s CEO Sees Family History Shape Your Leadership
You’re more like a global leader than you think. After all, you face very similar challenges. National financial crisis? You’ve faced budget woes in your business or NPO, too. Job creation and unemployment? Talk to your own HR department about how hard recruiting has become. The list goes on. The scale is different, but the […] Mushalko Mushalko2024-09-25 09:55:312024-09-25 09:55:31The Qualities You Share with Effective Global Leaders, According to This Former Prime Minister
You trust us. Trust is the fuel behind any relationship. Each week, you trust the information we curate for these articles is accurate and factual…even insightful. You trust your friends to support you in good times and bad. And your team trusts you to support them and guide them to success. In fact, trust is […]
Your work is a whirlwind. The avalanche of new tech, intricate global connectivity, and overnight societal changes all make for a rapidly changing world. And that’s just what you face each morning – what will work life be like in 2050?! Clearly, your leadership style will have to change to keep up. Fortunately, our podcast […] Mushalko Mushalko2024-09-11 10:47:482024-09-11 10:47:48Five Future-Proofing Leadership Skills from a Futurist and a Consultant
Enron. Lehman Brothers. WorldCom. And your company? You clearly want to avoid this list of major “too big to fail” firms that extinguished due to a lack of ethics. While many leaders view ethics as a vague extra that’s not critical to business, the death of these companies proves otherwise: ethics is critical to survival. […] Mushalko Mushalko2024-09-04 10:00:082024-09-03 20:15:52From an Oxford Ethicist: How to Test Ethical Decision-Making
Return to office (RTO) mandates are a little silly if you think about it. The next quarantine/hurricane/wildfire/(insert major disruptor here) is just around the corner, which means a flexible, remote-capable workforce is an absolute must for your organization’s long-term health. Your leadership must be flexible and remote-capable, too. Our podcast guests George Papandreou (former Prime […] Mushalko Mushalko2024-08-28 10:15:592024-08-27 20:41:59Five Keys to Dealing with Disruption from Former Prime Minister George Papandreou
“I just want to be heard.” Those six words resonate with every person on the planet, yet so many leaders ignore this universal need. Toxic leaders go further, actively shutting down feedback. Disengagement, low productivity, and turnover result. And, of course, these leaders miss out on operating improvements, new product ideas, and morale boosters from […] Mushalko Mushalko2024-08-21 11:00:162024-08-21 00:41:46Active Listening: A Quick Guide to Turning Tension into Performance
The world never has a lack of armed conflicts. Ultimately, the root cause of these wars remains poor leadership, according to experts on peace and negotiation. The irony: the exact same skills that help you grow as a leader for your team are the skills our political leaders need to solve global crises. For example, […] Mushalko Mushalko2024-08-14 10:08:502024-08-14 10:08:50From Diplomacy to Desktop: How to Keep the Peace at Work
“Surprise!” That’s a fun word when it launches an unexpected party. It’s not so fun when it launches your work day. Yet for more and more of us, the exponential acceleration of change in the world translates into surprises at work. Fortunately, Chris Nolan and Mike Schindler—our podcast guests and creators of the It’s VUCA […]
Pracademics: How the Most Effective Leaders Make Theory a Reality
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Devon MushalkoYou may be an undiagnosed pracademic. We certainly hope so; it’s vital for your survival. A pracademic is someone who integrates academic research and practical experience into their job. The case for your leadership survival is simple: the world is changing too fast for your knowledge to stay static. You must keep learning and integrating […]
How Amazon Stays Ahead with Customer-Centric Innovation
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Devon MushalkoDo you want to know a secret? Amazon’s success is all because of you. One of the online giant’s fundamental mindsets is customer-back thinking. From searching their website to the delivery van at your door, every initiative starts by looking at what helps the customer (you), then working backward to figure out how to make […]
What New Leaders Need to Solve Global Issues, According to Africa’s EU Ambassador
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Devon MushalkoWith election season running hot, issues such as migration (or illegal immigration) are prominent in campaign speeches for candidates of all stripes vying for all manner of office, from dogcatcher to president. The harsh reality for them all: no single nation, much less a single leader, can solve these issues. They surround the world, so […]
Their Past Is Your Present: Here’s How Ancestry’s CEO Sees Family History Shape Your Leadership
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Devon MushalkoYou may not believe in ghosts, but your ancestors definitely haunt you. No, you don’t need to call the Ghostbusters; Deborah Liu, the president and CEO of Ancestry, told us in our podcast interview it’s their influence that continues to shape you through the generations. Their decisions continue to make an indelible difference today. It […]
The Qualities You Share with Effective Global Leaders, According to This Former Prime Minister
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Devon MushalkoYou’re more like a global leader than you think. After all, you face very similar challenges. National financial crisis? You’ve faced budget woes in your business or NPO, too. Job creation and unemployment? Talk to your own HR department about how hard recruiting has become. The list goes on. The scale is different, but the […]
An Amazon Leader Shares Her Steps for Mastering Trust
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Devon MushalkoYou trust us. Trust is the fuel behind any relationship. Each week, you trust the information we curate for these articles is accurate and factual…even insightful. You trust your friends to support you in good times and bad. And your team trusts you to support them and guide them to success. In fact, trust is […]
Five Future-Proofing Leadership Skills from a Futurist and a Consultant
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Devon MushalkoYour work is a whirlwind. The avalanche of new tech, intricate global connectivity, and overnight societal changes all make for a rapidly changing world. And that’s just what you face each morning – what will work life be like in 2050?! Clearly, your leadership style will have to change to keep up. Fortunately, our podcast […]
From an Oxford Ethicist: How to Test Ethical Decision-Making
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Devon MushalkoEnron. Lehman Brothers. WorldCom. And your company? You clearly want to avoid this list of major “too big to fail” firms that extinguished due to a lack of ethics. While many leaders view ethics as a vague extra that’s not critical to business, the death of these companies proves otherwise: ethics is critical to survival. […]
Five Keys to Dealing with Disruption from Former Prime Minister George Papandreou
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Devon MushalkoReturn to office (RTO) mandates are a little silly if you think about it. The next quarantine/hurricane/wildfire/(insert major disruptor here) is just around the corner, which means a flexible, remote-capable workforce is an absolute must for your organization’s long-term health. Your leadership must be flexible and remote-capable, too. Our podcast guests George Papandreou (former Prime […]
Active Listening: A Quick Guide to Turning Tension into Performance
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Devon Mushalko“I just want to be heard.” Those six words resonate with every person on the planet, yet so many leaders ignore this universal need. Toxic leaders go further, actively shutting down feedback. Disengagement, low productivity, and turnover result. And, of course, these leaders miss out on operating improvements, new product ideas, and morale boosters from […]
From Diplomacy to Desktop: How to Keep the Peace at Work
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Devon MushalkoThe world never has a lack of armed conflicts. Ultimately, the root cause of these wars remains poor leadership, according to experts on peace and negotiation. The irony: the exact same skills that help you grow as a leader for your team are the skills our political leaders need to solve global crises. For example, […]
How to Stop Worrying and Embrace Work’s Surprises
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Devon Mushalko“Surprise!” That’s a fun word when it launches an unexpected party. It’s not so fun when it launches your work day. Yet for more and more of us, the exponential acceleration of change in the world translates into surprises at work. Fortunately, Chris Nolan and Mike Schindler—our podcast guests and creators of the It’s VUCA […]