Curing Corporate Short-Termism

Guest: Greg Moran

“Good afternoon, staff. I’m listening.”

If only your boss truly listened, like Frasier Crane! The reality is most folks high up the chain have little clue about what the front line — and the customers the front line interacts with — are thinking. As the staff at one major company said, “They’re not even listening to us.”

The solution is easy. Slack, Teams, and other chat channels have replaced the watercooler as your company’s own internal social media. Listening to those conversations reveals a wealth of information…and solutions to boost your team’s and customers’ experiences. As an example, guest Greg Moran discusses the basics of how Aware’s AI system finds trending topics without intruding on privacy.

In this episode, you’ll learn:
1. There’s a big difference between monitoring employees and listening to them

2. How listening — directly and via AI — gives people a voice in the head office; a voice not filtered by management

3. How to maintain individuals’ privacy while keeping a finger on the pulse of your team.


Other episodes with Greg Moran:


Greg Moran

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Future of Leadership, Innovative Leadership, Leading with Care, Technology & Leadership


Listening, Communication, AI