Bringing Healing Home: Healthcare Leadership

Guest: Anne Klibanski

Season: 9   Episode: 10

Healthcare begins and ends in the home. At least, it should: you’re more likely to heal a bit faster and your outlook tends to be brighter at home instead of a hospital. Further, COVID revealed and amplified medical staff burnout and other issues already brewing in our healthcare system.

It’s overwhelming for most healthcare leaders, but our guest – Dr. Anne Klibanski – tackles these issues head-on. The president and CEO of Mass General Brigham, she and her team created, and continue to develop, groundbreaking solutions for their hospitals…and, more importantly, their patients. In this episode, Anne shares those solutions and the challenges they present for leaders with host Maureen Metcalf.


Here’s what Anne and Maureen cover:

  1. The lack of patient beds and other resources COVID made clear (but remain today);
  1. What healthcare leaders can do to resolve those issues; and
  1. Why the old status quo for American healthcare won’t work anymore, along with the newer, better methods Mass General Brigham is creating and using.


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Anne Klibanski

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Global Leadership, Health Care Leadership, Leading with Care, Women in Leadership


Mass General Brigham, Healthcare, Covid-19