Epic! The Women’s Power Playbook

Guest: Carolyn Buck Luce

Season: 9   Episode: 7

Live an epic life.

That’s the goal Carolyn Buck Luce advises you to have. In this episode, she shares ways to make that happen…and how that path started for her.

Eight year old Carolyn Buck Luce was inspired by John F. Kennedy’s call to service, and decided to take responsibility for answering it even though she was only in elementary school. She created her first Decade Game, a plan for the next ten years of her life. Despite the pre-internet turmoil of the 1960s, she was determined to follow her purpose and make a difference in the world. She used the Decade Game to understand the power of leadership and the importance of courage, vulnerability, and trust. And, critically, she observed that women give away much of their power – not just in the board room, but beginning as children in primary school.


That served to motivate her even more. Carolyn continues her mission, and still uses her Decade Game in her journey to becoming an organizational shaman inspiring humans to live epic lives.

Here’s what Carolyn and Maureen cover:

  1. What, exactly, the Decade Game is – and how to play it;
  2. Why truly courageous leaders use their power for good; and
  3. The importance of having purpose.


Other episodes you’ll enjoy:

– Leading with Care and Purpose with Raj Sisodia & Sudhanshu Palsule

– Storydoers: Leaders with Higher Purposes with Ty Montague

– Finding Meaning, Joy, & Purpose in What You Do with Paul Gibbons


Carolyn Buck Luce

Listen On:




Coaching, Developmental Perspectives, Women in Leadership


Decade Game, Empowering Women, Leading with Courage