Leading Sustainability: The Path to Sustainable Business and SDGs

Featured Guests: Trista Bridges & Donald Eubank

Sustainability is now a business-critical issue. Companies and industries that don’t embrace it will be left behind. In fact, we are already starting to see this. Trista Bridges and Donald Eubank join the show today to discuss their new book Leading Sustainability: The Path to Sustainable Business and How the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Changed Everything, which is the culmination of 18 months of research from around the world. In their research, they found that bold leadership and innovation are two key common elements that enable the success of sustainability strategies and actions.


Trista Bridges, Donald Eubank

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Board Leadership, Developmental Perspectives, Global Leadership, Innovative Leadership, Leadership Trends and Strategy, Organizational Transformation, Workforce Development


Sustainability strategies, Bold leadership, Sustainability, Global research, Industries, Business-critical issue, Sustainable Development Goals