Unleashing the Power of Human-AI Collaboration

Guest: Neil Sahota

Season: 9   Episode: 23

The jobs of tomorrow are being incubated right now.

Artificial Intelligence – AI – is already rapidly transforming our world. You have two years, maybe up to five, before it transforms your work, too. But IBM Master Inventor Neil Sahota sees hope, not gloom: throughout human history, technological transformations meant more and often better jobs. The key is to be ready, and Neil tells us how.

Here’s what Neil and host Maureen Metcalf cover:

  • The five skills every job will require;
  • The fact that we don’t teach three of those five skills in U.S. education; and
  • The top actions leaders need to take right now (because odds are you’re already behind the curve…and your competitors!).


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Neil Sahota

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AI “C” Level, Future of Leadership, VUCA and Disruption
