Using Storytelling to Elevate Leadership

Guest: Chris Nolan

Season: 9   Episode: 2

Does your world feel chaotic, unpredictable – lunging beyond your understanding or control? You’re not alone: in fact, the US military felt the same, and created the concept of VUCA to maintain a defensive edge. The good news: you can readily apply VUCA to your organization to maintain YOUR defensive edge!

In this episode, Emmy award-winning filmmaker Chris Nolan reveals the power of storytelling to help leaders navigate the rapidly accelerating VUCA Max world. It’s an inspiring how-to in creating a compelling vision to shape and rebrand your future…and drive success in your organization.

Here’s what Chris and host Maureen Metcalf cover:

  • How to use future-back thinking to prepare for and accommodate rapid change;
  • How storytelling can change the future; and
  • The importance of vision in guiding and motivating your team.

For daily wisdom from our guests, be sure to follow us on LinkedIn at . We’re on Mastodon, Facebook, and Twitter, too!

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Chris Nolan

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Coaching, Future of Leadership, Resilience, VUCA and Disruption


VUCA Max, VUCA, Storytelling, Vision