Entrepreneurial Operating System: Gaining Business Traction

Guest: Rainee Busby

EOS© (Entrepreneurial Operating System) builds a solid foundation necessary to grow a successful business. This system is designed for entrepreneurial organizations and the basics apply to well run businesses of any size. Rainee talks about implementing this system to help business owners and leaders maintain a solid balance between leading and managing a business with practical tools. The six key elements are: 1. Vision – defining the organizations vision and values using 8 key questions shared by all 2. People – getting the right people in the right seats 3. Data – Scorecard, measurables looking at leading indicators 4. Managing issues – using list and continually tracking accountabilities and resulutions 5. Documenting and following processes 6. Gaining traction through execution – managing the business through clearly defined goals and accountability meetings weekly For organizations to be successful, they need to perform at 80% on all six elements.


Rainee Busby

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Board Leadership, Developmental Perspectives, Innovative Leadership, Leadership Trends and Strategy, Organizational Transformation, Technology & Leadership


Accountability, Resolutions, Managing issues, Clearly defined goals, Entrepreneurial organizations,