How do We Successfully Implement Large Scale Change

Guest: Kathy Starkoff

A key element of successful leadership in this dynamic time is successfully implementing large scale change. Kathy Starkoff has extensive experience successfully transforming large IT organizations as well as advising others on their implementations. She is an expert in all facets of IT including cyber security and risk management. This show will give you a better understanding of how leaders and their organizations successfully implement large scale change. This interview will include the following questions: • How does an organization achieve sustainable large scale change? • What are the critical components of large scale change? • Why does it always take so long? • How do you recognize issues along the way? • How do you address issues along the way? • What is the probability of a typical project’s “success”? • What are the most common mistakes made?


Kathy Starkoff

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Connex Executive Insights, Global Leadership, Leadership Development, Leadership Trends and Strategy, Organizational Transformation, Team Effectiveness


IT organizations, Cyber security, Organizational change, Leadership strategies